Paper I
1.ENVIRONMENT AND ECOLOGY - Ecology and its relevance to man, natural resources, their sustainable management and conservation.
- Physical and social environment as factors of crop distribution and production.
- Agro ecology; cropping pattern as indicators of environments.
- Environmental pollution and associated hazards tao crops, animals and humans.
- Climate change International conventions and global initiatives.
- Green house effect and global warming.
- Advance tools for ecosystem analysis Remote sensing (RS) and Geographic Information Systems (GIS).
- Cropping patterns in different agro-climatic zones of the country.
- Impact of high-yielding and short-duration varieties on shifts in cropping patterns.
- Concepts of various cropping and farming systems.
- Organic and Precision Farming.
- Package of practices for production of important cereals, pulses, oilseeds, fibres, sugar, commercial and fodder crops.
- Weeds, their characteristics, dissemination, and association with various crops; their multiplications; cultural, biological, and chemical control of weeds.
- Dryland agriculture and its problems.
- Technology for stabilizing agriculture production in rainfed areas.
1. Important features and scope of various types of forestry plantations.
social forestry, agroforestry, and natural forests.
2. Propagation of forest plants.
3 . Forest products.
4.Agroforestry and value addition.
5. Conservation of forest flora and fauna.
- Soil- physical, chemical and biological properties.
- Processes and factors of soil formation.
- Soils of India.
- Mineral and organic constituents of soils and their role in maintaining soil productivity.
- Essential plant nutrients and other beneficial elements in soils and plants.
- Principles of soil fertility, soil testing and fertilizer recommendations, integrated nutrient management.
- Biofertilizers.
- Losses of nitrogen in soil, nitrogen-use efficiency in submerged rice soils, nitrogen fixation in soils. Efficient phosphorus and potassium use.
- Problem soils and their reclamation.
- Soil factors affecting greenhouse gas emission.
- Soil conservation, integrated watershed management.
- Soil erosion and its management.
- Water-use efficiency in relation to crop production, criteria for scheduling irrigations, ways and means of reducing run-off losses of irrigation water.
- Rainwater harvesting.
- Drip and sprinkler irrigation.
- Drainage of waterlogged soils, quality of irrigation water, effect of industrial effluents on soil and water pollution.
- Irrigation projects in India.
- Farm management, scope, importance and characteristics, farm planning.
- Optimum resource use and budgeting.
- Economics of different types of farming systems.
- Marketing management strategies for development, market intelligence.
- Price fluctuations and their cost; the role of co-operatives in an agricultural economy; types and systems of farming and factors affecting them.
- Agricultural price policy.
- Crop Insurance.
- Agricultural extension: its importance and role.
- methods of evaluation of extension programmes.
- socio-economic survey and status of big, small and marginal farmers and landless agricultural labourers.
- Training programmes for extension workers.
- Role of Krishi Vigyan Kendras (KVK) in dissemination of Agricultural technologies.
- Non-Government Organization (NGO) and self- help group approach for rural development. THANK YOU.......
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